Posts tagged media unit

Our client's passion for collecting vinyl records and tapes required a functional and stylish solution for storing his extensive collection and equipment. Collaborating closely with him, we came up with a design that perfectly met his needs.

The design incorporates open spaces for displaying the vinyl records and equipment, while drawers provide a dedicated space for organizing the tapes. Additionally, we integrated a small office space, complete with an integrated desk for a screen and computer. Cupboards were included to offer extra storage for items that don't require to be displayed.

To ensure proper ventilation for each piece of equipment, we designed dedicated spaces that allow for adequate airflow. This guarantees the longevity and optimal performance of the equipment.

The modular design of the storage solution incorporates different depths to avoid a bulky appearance. The vinyl record storage elements are less deep, which is great for easy browsing. The desk, turntable cabinet, and equipment boxes have greater depth to accommodate the equipment.